Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the online language school for?

Our online language school is for the following age groups:

Children - ages 5 - 8.

Pre-teens - 9 -  12

Teens - ages 13 - 17.

Adults - 18 - older.

who are interested in learning Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba and other Nigerian Languages.

Our classes are offered during the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).

What should be expected of our adult and children's courses?

  • All learning activities will be communicated in the language been taught.
  •  Our children's course lasts for 4 months and the adult's course lasts for the duration of 6 months.
  • Our children's course uses modes of teaching like: pictures, rhymes/songs, and games to teach topics on the alphabet, numbering, naming of items, greetings, self-introduction and how to address people e.t.c. At the end of the course, the children will be able to identify the above-listed topics and form simple sentences.
  • Our adult course has three levels: Beginners, Intermediate and Expert/ Advance level.
  1. The beginners level teach student Alphabet, Numbering, Naming of items, greetings, self-introduction and how to address people e.t.c.  The main goal of the beginner's level is for word-formation and simple sentence formation.
  2. The intermediate level will be teaching figures of speech and the rules for sentence formation. The main goal of the expert level is for complex sentence formation.
  3. The final level, which is the advanced level, will be teaching on deeper stuff such as letter writing and essay writing; comprehension; and conversation on common topics. The main goal of the level is to help students practise all the principles they have been taught in the previous levels. Which helps reinforce the ability to read, write, speak and listen accurately.

What is the mode and frequency of the classes?

All our sessions are live classes and held every Saturday and Sunday.

Our adult classes are between 1- 11/2 hrs.

Our children classes are for 30minutes or an hour ( two 25minutes with a 10 minutes break)

For how long will the class last?

For effective results, this program will last 6 months for our adult course and 4 months for the children's course. We have classes Saturday and Sunday for adults  6 months and children for 4 months.


What is the fee for each language?

We have a standard syllabus for all of our courses, therefore, our fees are the same for all languages. 



What types of payments do you accept?

For Canadian Residents
Payment Via: EMAIL TRANSFER to ""
Use Password: "naijalangcourse"

International Payments (Expect for Canada Residence)
Would be sent a Paypal invoice 

REMINDER: Kindly send a screenshot of your Payments, Name and selected course level or
Whatsapp: +1(289)803-7475 or
Email: or
Instagram: DM us @Naijalang



Can the payment be made in instalments?

This option is under review

Is there a discount for children of the same parents?

Absolutely, we offer 10% discounts on each pupil from the same parents.


I prefer a private class for my child/children. Is this option available?

Yes, we offer a private class for individuals(9- older) and, also a family private class(5-8) for families with two or more children. It may cost you more though.

Will a certificate be issued?

Yes, a certificate of completion will be issued to every student who successfully completes each level of the course

i.e - students who take our adult course will be issued four (3) certificates. However,

 students who take our children course will be offered one(1) certificate

Need more answers?

No problem! Feel free to email us at and we will respond within 1-3 business days.


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